So even checkers at stores ask me "Where do you find your coupons??"

Most of my coupons come from the Sunday paper.  I get 2 copies.
I look for coupons at the stores, and if I find a tear pad or blinkies. I do pick up a few.  I refuse to take them all... This is not cool to take them all... what about your fellow coupon shoppers, but I do even take ones that I am not buying the item RIGHT NOW. on several occasions I have taken some of those coupons and then a week or two later the item goes on sale then I use my coupon.

EBAY Yes you can actually buy coupons here. I check ads on Sunday then order the coupons I need right away so I will receive the coupons a few days later and still get the item on sale with my coupons.
Here is a list of coupon clipping services to buy your coupons from:

I do give coupons to fellow shoppers too. I call it the coupon fairy most people Thank me.