$4 RR WYB (2) Irish Spring Body Wash 15 or 18 oz or Deodorant 2.7 or 3 oz at $3 ea
-1.00 off Deodrant on coupons.com
or-.50 off irish spring in newspaper on sunday
=Free deodrant or.50 body wash
Right Guard or Dry Idea Deodorant 2.6-4 oz, or Body Wash 13.5 oz, B1G1
-bogo coupon in sundays paper
Ok guys the tuna monthly up now has a limit of 1. So the Free tuna this week is no longer. I see lots of people upset on other blogs but I don't like Tuna so I don't care really, plus there are so many other Good deals. I knew limits would come since I have personally seen the same lady 2X buy a whole shopping cart of Cake mix and frosting. I am serious mabey 50 or 60 boxes. Then a couple weeks later I ran into her again buying a shopping cart ful of Baby Wash. 30 to 40 bottles. I have no idea how many kids she has but thats a whole lot. If we do this no one else gets a good deal. So all in all I am Happy to see these come about. You will still be able to stock up on things just a lot slower.
$3 +UP WYB Chloraspetic, 1-6 oz or 18-40 ct., or Little Remedies Cold or Fever, 1 oz, $3.99
-1.00 coupon from newspaper a few months back
= Free
$1 +UP WYB Motrin IB PM, 40 ct., $3
-$6/2 from the newspaper moths ago
-2 from this sunday
= Free or $1 money maker
$1 +UP WYB Purex Fabric Softening Crystals, 28 oz, at $3.99
-2 coupon from this sunday
-1 VV from Rite aid videos
Salonpas Hot Patch, 1 ct., or BodiHeat Patches, 3-4 ct., $1
-3 coupon printable not available anymore
Colgate Plus Toothbrush, 1 ct. $1
-.75 off colgate toothbrush from last week newspaper
Dixie or Vanity Fair Plates, Cups, or Bowls $1.97
-$5/3 VV rite aid coupon from rite aid videos
=.99 for 3 pkgs
99¢ ECB WYB Theraflu daytime severe cold & cough trial size, 1 pk., 99¢ Limit 1
-$3/2 from a month ago newspaper
=2 for free plus .99 ECB
$9.99 ECB WYB Tena ultra thins heavy protection pads, 32-42 ct., $9.99 Limit 1
-2.50 off here
= Free with 2.50 profit
$2.50 ECB WYB Crest Complete Rinse, 16.9 oz, Crest Clinical Gum Toothpaste, 4 oz. or Oral-B Clinical Protection Floss, 38.2 yd., $3.49 Limit 2
-$1.00 off from pg ad this month in newspaper
= Free
$5 ECB WYB $15 Coke products pictured: Limit 1
-1.50 coupon from store tearpad
Purex Ultra Concentrate Liquid Detergent, 24-32 loads, Complete 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets, 20 ct., Crystals Softener, 32 loads, $3.99
-$3 coupon from a couple weeks ago
=.99 20 complete sheets

thanks for this post. hello, let's allow everyone to get some. i'm all for stockpiling, but there's def enough to go around, so let's not shelf clear. btw i tried to email you, but it seems that it's not going through. anyway, i hope ur felling bette, and congrats on ur husbands new job!