Thursday, September 2, 2010

Safeway Freebies

So this week @ Safeway they have a couple GREAT deals!!! They have safeway coupons for Tide Stain Release at $5.99 , Kraft Deli slice cheese $1.69 and Lays Kettle chips for $1.69, these coupons are in there ad for this week. If you didn't get it they have the ads when you walk in to Safeway by the doors. So here is how to use these coupons First of the Tide stain release has an ecoupon for $3.00off then use your paper coupon for $3.00 off = FREE the Kraft Deli slices I got $1.00 off coupons on line last month =$.69 The lays chips at Safeway on Cirby/Sunrise they have coupons attached to the shelve in 2 spots for $1.00 off 2 bags so if you buy 2 Lays kettle chips for $1.19 each. Next deal is Ranch on sale for $1.99 a bottle, I had a safeway e coupon for $2.00 off 2 bottles and a coupon for $2.00 off 2 bottles = 2 FREE bottles of Ranch


  1. You're amazing! Did you get any free hotdogs?

  2. I am heading out right now to go shop! Thanks for all the great tips!!!
